Mirrorless Cameras – A Fuji X-T3

I think I’ve made it fairly clear in the past that I love my Nikon DSLRs, so what made me buy a Fuji X-T3? The short version is size and weight. The long version, well, just keep on reading. I have several Nikon DSLRs and a wide selection of lenses, these are my tools of … [Continue Reading] “Mirrorless Cameras – A Fuji X-T3”

Scotland 2020 Trip

Queen Elizabeth Forest Park Waterfall

Under normal circumstances, we take a holiday in Scotland towards the end of September every year. This year has been different, and we weren’t even sure if we’d be able to make the trip in 2020. The Scotland 2020 trip was booked in 2019 as we wanted to return to the cottage in Rowardennan we … [Continue Reading] “Scotland 2020 Trip”

Garden Photography

A portrait of Chester, a Yorkshire Terrier Jack Russell cross

There still isn’t much going on with my photography at the moment unless you count a bit of garden photography. I’m still effectively self-isolating and not leaving the house unless absolutely necessary so subject matter is limited. We have plenty of plants in the garden so insect life is plentiful but I haven’t really invested … [Continue Reading] “Garden Photography”

The Perfect Tripod…

If you’re reading this because of the title, you might be thinking I’ve found the perfect tripod. Sadly, that isn’t the case so if you are reading this and hoping to part with some hard-earned cash at the end of it, you can stop reading now. I started writing this post sometime in the middle … [Continue Reading] “The Perfect Tripod…”

Scotland 2019 – Falls of Dochart

A wide view of the Falls of Dochart

After our trip to Bracklinn Falls in the morning, we grabbed some lunch in Callendar and decided to head to Killin and the Falls of Dochart. The weather still wasn’t particularly great, occasional downpours made it difficult to plan anything too far away from shelter. The grey skies did mean it was ideal for photographing … [Continue Reading] “Scotland 2019 – Falls of Dochart”