I think I’ve made it fairly clear in the past that I love my Nikon DSLRs, so what made me buy a Fuji X-T3? The short version is size and weight. The long version, well, just keep on reading.

I have several Nikon DSLRs and a wide selection of lenses, these are my tools of choice when I go purposely to create images. Depending on what I intend to shoot and where I’m going, my kit can weigh anywhere from five to fifteen kilos. I have several different combinations or kits that I use for a variety of subjects, each with a specific purpose.
Sometimes though I don’t have a specific subject, location or even destination in mind when I set out. I could be out scouting locations, walking the dogs, or just out for the day with friends where there may be an opportunity to take some cool photos. For days like these, it doesn’t make sense to carry five to ten kilos of photography equipment when I may not take a single photograph. For days like these I need something lighter, but that would give me better results than a phone camera without the weight of a DSLR.
I looked around and settled on the Fuji X-T3. There were a number of reasons beyond the size and weight advantages. For one, I like the retro range finder look and liked the silver and black model. Another reason was that the X-T4 had just been released and prices were very reasonable for the Fuji X-T3 along with a kit lens. I didn’t want to invest too much in a system that I may not get along with.
The Fuji X-T3 would also be my first foray in to the world of mirrorless cameras, and having no experience with them, I wasn’t sure if they’d work for me. However, given the reviews and the cult-like following of existing Fuji users, I didn’t think this was very likely.
I opted for the Fuji X-T3 and 16-80mm f4 kit to keep the weight down and if I do get along with the Fuji X-T3, I’d add more lenses over time. Not too many though, it kind of defeats the purpose of weight reduction.
On the subject of weight reduction, the Fuji system I now carry weighs in at just over four kilos, that’s almost half the weight of my D850 kit I carry when I’m shooting landscapes. This may increase a little if I add a couple of extra lenses but that’s another advantage of the Fuji X system. If you say away from the f2.8 lenses, and as a landscape and wildlife photographer I don’t need the wider apertures, they’re really light.
I’ll let you know how I get on in the world of mirrorless, and particularly the Fuji X-T3.
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