D850 Focus Shift Shooting

Lupin bud covered in water droplets. D850 Focus shift shooting example.

A day off work and I was looking for something to do around the house, because, well COVID. I decided to take my camera out into the garden and have a play around with the D850 focus shift shooting functionality. For those of you who don’t know what focus shift shooting or focus stacking is, … [Continue Reading] “D850 Focus Shift Shooting”

Garden Photography

A portrait of Chester, a Yorkshire Terrier Jack Russell cross

There still isn’t much going on with my photography at the moment unless you count a bit of garden photography. I’m still effectively self-isolating and not leaving the house unless absolutely necessary so subject matter is limited. We have plenty of plants in the garden so insect life is plentiful but I haven’t really invested … [Continue Reading] “Garden Photography”