My Quest for the Perfect Camera Bag

Back / Side view of the Shimoda Action X50

My quest for the perfect camera bag continues, and as you may have guessed this post is about yet another bag I’ve purchased recently. One thing I have realised on my quest for the perfect camera bag, and I may have said this before, is that there is no perfect bag for all occasions. I … [Continue Reading] “My Quest for the Perfect Camera Bag”

Garden Photography

A portrait of Chester, a Yorkshire Terrier Jack Russell cross

There still isn’t much going on with my photography at the moment unless you count a bit of garden photography. I’m still effectively self-isolating and not leaving the house unless absolutely necessary so subject matter is limited. We have plenty of plants in the garden so insect life is plentiful but I haven’t really invested … [Continue Reading] “Garden Photography”

Duracell Is Making Camera Batteries

I saw an article in my news feed from a popular photography website about Duracell replacement camera batteries. I may be late to the party, but I didn’t even realise Duracell made rechargeable camera batteries. A quick check of the Duracell website and sure enough, they have equivalent batteries for the majority of popular DSLR … [Continue Reading] “Duracell Is Making Camera Batteries”