Garden Photography

A portrait of Chester, a Yorkshire Terrier Jack Russell cross

There still isn’t much going on with my photography at the moment unless you count a bit of garden photography. I’m still effectively self-isolating and not leaving the house unless absolutely necessary so subject matter is limited. We have plenty of plants in the garden so insect life is plentiful but I haven’t really invested … [Continue Reading] “Garden Photography”

Duracell Is Making Camera Batteries

I saw an article in my news feed from a popular photography website about Duracell replacement camera batteries. I may be late to the party, but I didn’t even realise Duracell made rechargeable camera batteries. A quick check of the Duracell website and sure enough, they have equivalent batteries for the majority of popular DSLR … [Continue Reading] “Duracell Is Making Camera Batteries”

Moving Up to Full Frame

When I purchased my Nikon D500 in 2016, I spent some time wondering if I’d be better off moving up to a full-frame body such as the D750 or D810. At the time I only had a couple of FX capable lenses and the expense of buying a raft of new lenses along with an … [Continue Reading] “Moving Up to Full Frame”

Buying a Tripod – Another One

If you read my “Perfect Tripod post” in February, you’ll know that I had decided on buying yet another tripod as I wasn’t getting on with my current travel tripod. To some photographers out there, this will sound all too familiar. I also know that I’m not the only one that suffers this tripod affliction. … [Continue Reading] “Buying a Tripod – Another One”